Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Also known as the Spear of Destiny, this pre-eminent Christian relic is believed by some to be the actual spear used to confirm the death of Christ on the cross. Today, it resides in Vienna’s Kunsthistoriches Museum, but the story of its journey to this final resting place is one of power and glory and greed, as history’s most infamous leaders – including Napoleon and Hitler – sought to wield its alleged supernatural power in their bids to conquer the world. Whatever one believes about the Spear, there can be no doubt that the desire to poses this relic has helped to shape the destiny of mankind.

When Christ was crucified 2,000 years ago a Roman guard thrust a spear in his side to see if he was still alive. In that moment a central tenet of Christian faith was realised: Jesus was dead, he was thus able to be resurrected. In that moment the spear that pierced him became a powerful holy relic. What happened to the Spear thereafter is a heady mix of myth, half truth and fact. To confuse matters further, today there are three Spears claiming to be the Holy Spear. Legend of the Holy Spear follows two investigators attempting to discover if any of them could have been present at the crucifixion. Scrutinizing each spear and closely analysing the stories and legends behind them, the film reveals astonishing clues as to their provenance.

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